Onyx’s strength has always been it’s data-driven nature thanks to its data based API. This API can be thought of as a low-level language for your distributed computation.
A data structure based API forces you to understand and decide all-the-things upfront. A common approach to conquer this problem is to include a sort of meta-language in the data structure. In all but the simplest cases, this leads to recreating a new programming language in your data structures. It’s much better to use what we already have.
We have wonderful tools for manipulating data structures, they are built into Clojure! We routinely use these tools to build abstractions for ourselves. They allow us to move up and down conceptual levels, all the way from (start-server …) down to (.readLine (io/reader (ServerSocket. 80)))
In order for the abstractions we build to be useful for others, or useful in the in the context of a larger system, they must share a common contract for composition. By doing this, the overall abstraction does not matter as what it produces can just snap into place.
In other words, Legos for Onyx.
Over the last few months, we’ve been refining our set of abstractions over Onyx’s data API. The pattern is referred to as “task bundles”, and the core of it exists in the onyx.job namespace.
Task Bundle Map
Task bundles operate on “task bundle maps”, a shared contract. A task bundle map is just a plain clojure map of the shape
{:task {:task-map {:onyx/name :inc
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/fn ::inc-viewcount
:onyx/batch-size 1
:myproject/special-value 100
:onyx/batch-timeout 1000}
:lifecycles [{…}]
:flow-conditions [{…}]
:windows [{…}]
:triggers [{…}]}
:schema {:task-map {:myproject/special-value s/Num}
:lifecycles {:myproject/special-state s/Str}
:windows {…}
:triggers {…}}}
A “task bundle map” made of two parts. The :task key represents Onyx declarations. The :schema key represents constraints on those declarations. add-task will check the constraints against the declarations.
The overarching idea with task bundles, is to take everything required for a task type, from the task map, to the flow conditions, or windows, and bundle them together in a way that promotes re-use of task types that you may build.
We package up “task bundles” into “tasks”, which are just functions that build the data in the required form. We do this so that we have an easy entry-point to change the “task bundle map”.
See below where we allow changing the key sequence (ks) that the inc-in-segment function operates on.
(s/defn inc-key
([task-name :- s/Keyword task-opts]
{:task {:task-map (merge {:onyx/name task-name
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/fn ::inc-in-segment
:onyx/params [::inc-key]}
:schema {:task-map IncKeyTask}})
([task-name :- s/Keyword
ks :- [s/Keyword]
(inc-key task-name (merge {::inc-key ks} task-opts))))
The two-arity form allows users of the task to see what they need to provide to have a valid task bundle. ::inc-in-segment will not work unless we specify a key sequence to the number we want to increment. To signal this, we both provide constraints on it and include it in the second arity.
Task Bundle Modifiers
onyx.job/add-task provides a second variadic arity, taking a function of the form:
(fn [task-bundle] …) => {task-bundle-map}
This allows us to bundle meta behavior and apply it to task bundles before they are schema checked and merged. This is useful for things like adding logging, triggers, or further restricting schema. An example of adding a trigger to send window state to MySQL is below.
(s/defn with-trigger-to-sql
[window-id :- s/Keyword connection-uri :- s/Str]
(fn [task-definition]
(-> task-definition
(update-in [:task :triggers] conj
{:trigger/window-id window-id
:trigger/refinement :onyx.refinements/accumulating
:trigger/on :onyx.triggers/segment
:trigger/threshold [5 :elements]
:trigger/sync :twit.persist.sql/upsert-trending
:sql/connection-uri {:connection-uri connection-uri}})
(update-in [:schema :triggers] conj
{:sql/connection-uri {:connection-uri s/Str}}))))
with-trigger-to-sql add’s new Onyx declarations to the :task key (triggers), and new constraints. add-task will check these new constraints just the same. Convention is to name task bundle modifier functions with-*.
“tasks” and “task bundle modifiers” are all about encapsulating functionality to assist with reuse. Right now, most of the Onyx plugins provide a task bundle interface under onyx.tasks.
(-> {:workflow [[:in :reshape-segment]
[:reshape-segment :split-hashtags]
[:split-hashtags :out]]
:catalog []
:lifecycles []
:windows []
:triggers []
:flow-conditions []
:task-scheduler :onyx.task-scheduler/balanced}
(add-task (twitter/stream :in [:id :text :createdAt] (merge batch-settings twitter-config)))
(add-task (reshape/reshape-segment :reshape-segment batch-settings))
(add-task (tweet/emit-hashtag-ids :split-hashtags [:id] [:text] batch-settings))
(add-task (tweet/window-trending-hashtags :out :hashtag-window))
(add-task (core-async-task/output :out (merge batch-settings {:onyx/group-by-key :hashtag
:onyx/flux-policy :recover
:onyx/min-peers 1
:onyx/max-peers 1
:onyx/uniqueness-key :id})))
(add-task (tweet/with-trigger-to-sql :hashtag-window connection-uri)))
The Onyx Twitter Sample holds a testing namespace for each job showcasing the benefits of this DSL approach. It also demonstrates other related concepts like job registration and submission. We intend this to be a community showcase of Onyx functionality that will grow over time. Feel free to add extra jobs demonstrating other Onyx features, or suggestions for job ideas.